Backing up Solaris 10 servers

Got 5-6 Solaris 10 servers in remote location - power work being done.

At the moment, we just back up the application database that these servers run with the idea that if it all goes wrong we can rebuild and then restore the application.
However, requirement is to provide a complete backup in the event of issues caused by possible power failure.

Previous experience has shown that unexpected results can occur with sudden power loss on solaris servers - we've probably all experienced that!

Any suggestions for ideas? I was thinking:-

  1. Flash images (ideally it would be nice to set up a jumpstart server)
  2. ufsdump
  3. dd to spare disks (some of the servers have 4 disks installed with just one disk in use).

Also, got one HPUX server and a load of Windows servers to do as well

Warm or hot standbys are better, in my opinion (if the servers are critical):

Building servers from spare disks and other storage material can be stressful when a server goes down.

Don't leave it to chance! Keep warm or hot standbys up to date if you are worried about losing money if the servers go down.

Yes. Agreed would be better.

At the moment though we just need a quick solution to the problem before next week.

A warm standby can be set up very quickly.

In fact, you could have provisioned a virtual server and mirrored your primary in much less time than the time between you asking your question getting answers.