Automount problem


Please give step by step how to do automount in linux


Which particular problem do you have with any of those many available how-tos on the www?



I would like to do automount for one remote location.

You should tell us which OS your using.
For RHEL or CentOS here is the admin guide.

I hope this helps.

Hi,Thanks for wonderful support from all of you. I have tried with help of google. After i done this cmd : mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 /mnt/zipdrive . I did not get result .

My concerns is under net directory my hostname directory/usr ---- > usr is available here ?


Wait a second, first you talk about mounting a remote location, and now you're mounting a local disk?
And what do you mean by "did not get result"? What result were you expecting, and what happened, or did not happen?

You'll have to tell us a lot more details, we don't know your environment, we don't know what you're trying to do, we don't know your experience, and we can't see your screen.

Ok. I am working on Linux Box. I am trying to mounting the remote location.

After completed the mountint. I should have to access the remote system location . Is it correct ?

But it has not happen here.. I dont know the reason.

This is a my first time attempt to mounting the remote location.

What i did means

1) I have change the entry in /etc/exports file like /home remoteIP(ro,sync)

2) I have use the commands mount -t vfat IP:/home /mnt/

3) After completed i can able to see inside /mnt directory that all the user home directory.

Then ,I have checked under /net directory.
path like /net/hostanme/usr

Please advice on this


From your description I don't see a problem. You have an NFS export on a remote server, and are able to mount it, and can see the contents of the remote server. But I don't understand what /net would have to do with all that.