Argh! Chrome! Go away!

Google's pushing their pet browser with the relentlessness of a drug seller, which makes me more and more suspicious of it by the day. Now they're trying to insert it as opt-out "goodies" with program updates... In this case, Skype presented me with a "push this to not override your default browser settings with Chrome why don't you want Chrome are you a terrorist*" button. This puts it right down with Yahoo Toolbar, Hotbar, those pushy mini-Norton and mini-McAffee things, and MyWebSearch for pushy malware/adware in my opinion.

  • Dramatization.

I completely understand you brother :slight_smile: For good or bad, I've dumped most of Google services, besides gmail. Chrome is still not as good as others, not to mention that most sites I work with aren't understand it - I'm not sure who's fault is that, but I don't really care as well, there's a Firefox 4 beta coming soon (TBD, as they say).
And to make you (hopefully) laugh, here's a video that just came from the daily spam flow - YouTube - Java 4-Ever Trailer I don't mean to start programming wars, but I find the video extremely funny, and I laughed sincerely :slight_smile: Have a good weekend everyone :b:

Adobe reader product updates do the same thing. Every update tries to install OpenOffice, some Google feature, or something else I don't want.

And you have to actively deny the install, because it is the default. Behind it, there has to be some marketing ploy or some way to tap an obfuscated revenue stream. Companies do not go to all that extra work for nothing. Google toolbar, AFAIK, sends data about sites visited back to google home, as an example.

Sounds like a good blog topic.

...something the majority of users aren't savvy enough to do, sad to say. It's more than annoying, they're taking advantage of people.