Any help gratefully received

Multiple questions coming your way.
A little back ground info as to why I am back to basics.
A dear friend of mine passed away recently and as a request by him I have promised to keep his project alive. The problem I have it was being handed over when he was in the last weeks of his life and after ten minutes or so was shot to bits by the drugs.
I have the program running but there are a few little niggle that I need for it to run how it should.

He complied it to run on Linux/GNU but that is all I know.

Forgive me for my ignorance but it has been many years since I left engineering where I use to play with computers and design websites.

I have pasted just a snippet of the ./conv09 coding that should allow me to send emails but I cannot select the email I wish to send.

Once again, thank you for any help received and Admin, kick this out if I am in the wrong forum please.

# !/bin/bash

# Email Creation
# Make sure the file contains only one message and is "compacted"...
# Make sure that a dummy attachment was done, if applicable
# Slice this off, just after the end of the main message.

# NB FileSpec (See below) items are looked for within the user's subdir ONLY...
# This means that CollectUserFiles may need to be re-run before CreateEmails
# i.e. Files MUST have already been collected by ./conv08

# Attachments
# Mode : NoAttach  # The default if none specified...
# Mode : Auto      # Attach the "FileSpec" files from the Users sub-directories
# FileSpec :       # The default is '*' if none specified...
# DON'T HAVE _ (Underscore) Characters in any file names (messes with sed)...
# Ditto spaces, they can be a pain in the backside...




LessUsers=0 # Bodge to change the count value, if necessary...

if [ -z "$emlFileName" ]; then
  ERROR "No emlFileName selected..."
  exit 1

if [ "$OSdetected" = "Linux" ]; then

  # ... on a Mac, this may get appended with .local or .lan (LAN)
  hostname="`echo $HOSTNAME | cut -d '.' -f1`" 


if [ ! "$hostname" = "main-pc" ] && [ ! "$hostname" = "irh-macbook" ]; then
  echo "${ATTRBOLD}##########################################################################${ATTRCLEAR} " 
  echo ""

  WARNING "hostname \"$hostname\" Has not been recognised and has been re-assigned the name \"deputy\""


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