Ant Design - A Chinese React Web Dev Framework

Lately we see a lot of anti Chinese rhetoric in the press. This is especially true in the US where the current administration is blaming the Chinese for just about everything going wrong there.

Personally, at as US citizen, I do not find this kind of nationalism or hate-mongering useful (actually, I find it disgusting and ignorant), but it seems to serve those well who cater to the masses of people who are motivated by this kind of hatefulness and fear (populism).

This leads to Ant Design.

Because I live on the beach in Thailand, when I surf the web I get a lot of advertising from local companies and today I one popped up called "JollyBuyer" with all these cute Asian models selling the latest fashion.

I decided to take a look at the web dev framework being used by JollyBuyer and, to my surprise, they were using a Chinese framework call Ant Design, which is React extension based on UmiJS. This peaked by interest, so I installed UmiJS and then AntDesignPro while having breakfast and a coffee.

Actually, the install went better and faster than I thought on my local machine, so I decided to deploy the install mockup on the web, here at so you can also see what a Chinese web dev framework looks like, OOTB.

AntPro Mockup:

I urge you to check out the live, reactive, OOTB mockup version above.

It's really cool, at least in my normal open minded way of thinking, that China, with their nearly 1.5 billion people are getting heavily into their own web design frameworks.

Maybe this is the real reason (or part of the real reason) many US companies are getting nervous about China?

While the US, with a population of around 330 million people exist in a state of a perpetual cold racial and cultural war, fighting each other in a war-of-words and misinformation over cultural believe systems, race and ethic backgrounds; the 1.5 billion Chinese are building out their own version of the future of the web and, by default, the world.

I assume that those who live in the US and Europe do not see the explosion of online shopping sites from China, driven by Chinese web dev frameworks like Ant Design and UmiJS.

Personally speaking, this is my first peak at a Chinese web dev framework being used for current-generation e-commerce sites in China. However, I plan to look into these frameworks a bit more this year.

Have you used any of these Chinese web dev frameworks like Ant Design or UmiJS?

If so, please comment and share your experiences!

See Also (2017 info):


See Also:


This is both interesting and worrying.

I'm very old in the tooth and remember decades ago commenting about various governments bashing IBM saying that they were too strong, abusing competitive advantage, and all that stuff. Way back then I used to say "what are they doing?" Soon they will wake up to find that a Chinese company is the strongest computer company in the world and then say "what have we done?"

Years ago I was involved with a Chinese company (well Taiwanese actually) that innovated the first mass storage array to use IDE disks which had a big price advantage so I know just how clever these far-easterners are.

Over the years the growth of technology leaders like IBM, Microsoft, Apple, CISCO, Google, and Amazon continue to get bashed by their own governments like the U.S. and European Commission who are too busy bashing them to even notice what progress the Chinese are making. Shame. Perhaps they will learn when it's too late.


There are many developers (just did a YT search a few hours ago) who now say that the Ant Design UI component framework for React is their #1 React component framework in the market (at this time).

As far a global geo-politics, I do not think there is any "stopping" the Chinese and, in my view, the "West" should get their own house in order and stop fighting "cold culture wars" and stop "blaming others" for their own (serious) problems. Every time I read some US politician criticizing the US I cringe and think "get your own house in order and stop blaming others!"

Frankly speaking, there is zero chance that China (and much of the Far East) are going to permit any country to dominate their future or dictate to them how to run their own counties. This resolve is even more strong as "the rest of the world" watches in amazement how the US has mismanaged a global pandemic and has nothing but "blame others" as a government strategy.

Anyway, back to Ant Design, I am learning more about it today after posting earlier; and am impressed. Here is a company (Wieldly) which is selling template on top of the Ant Design framework:

also available on ThemForest:

I may play around with these templates soon; because I am starting to appreciate Ant Design. Admittedly I have only a few hours of experience with Ant Design. Time will tell.

What impressed me the most was that I was having a casual coffee this morning, saw an add for a new e-commerce site with lovely Asian fashion models, and decided to do some analysis on this "new" site, and found it ran on top of Ant Design. I was like "wow" it is no wonder that there are so much new Asian e-commerce sites coming up every other week, it seems.

E-commerce is exploding in Asia now, accelerated by the pandemic. No less than five companies have contacted me over the last few weeks to assist them in one way or another (or interview for a senior position). I had no idea, before this morning, that Ant Design even existed.


Yes, this has been easy to see over the years when I get notifications of the academic papers which reference my original paper in CACM on cyber situational awareness.

The vast majority of research, and in turn the most citations, are Chinese researchers.

Same with Google scholar:

It's has been easy to see over the years that the US is not funding tech research like they did before; and China is funding more and more.

It is only a matter of time before China greatly exceeds the US in tech, unless something drastically changes in the US, which I do not think will happen, to be honest.


In a world ruled by profit, there is no place for anything new "by chance"...
Look at Switzerland, voting on the 27th Sept. on a budget for new planes for the army... What are the threats currently?...
The army was behind most inventions last century because it was the army that invested the most looking for new approaches, anything that could bring to a superiority was good... and so the development of the transistors just like the processors were ruled by army first ( choosing the very best components) which led to a lot of material that others could use and so bringing to civilians access to the components...
Did the US army not invest in Canabis research till they dropped the idea find it silly... Now I believe they judge something silly before even letting whatever idea may lead too, mostly because profit oriented sight...
Since China has not that vision in first position, it has more chances in the future to exceed the US faster than one would expect
Being leader has a cost, China is not looking at the cost it is financing all out...

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Speaking of ANT.....