- name: Search String with lineinfile
hosts: web
- name: "Searching for a String"
become: yes
become_user: myuser
tags: example1
path: /home/myuser/file.txt
line: "string_to_find"
state: present
check_mode: yes
register: presence
failed_when: presence is changed
- name: "sample task in case the String present in the file"
debug: msg="DEBUG is enabled in Apache Log file"
when: presence is not changed
And this gives me false msg. even if a file doesn't exist it showed me that exist.
Can yo please help
you have to pay attention to which parameters you use and how to use them. If the file does not exist, the lineinfile module fails and presence.changed contains the default value false. This makes the condition presence is changedfalse, so the task is treated as not having failed due to failed_when: false. In addition, the debug message is printed.
If the file does not exist, you have two options: either you create it (with another task or via the create parameter), or the playbook terminates with an error.
state: present ensures that (if the file exists) the line is inserted if it does not exist. So if you just want to check whether a line is present, check_mode: yesmust be set so that the file is not changed.
The ansible documentation says:
Here a slightly modified version:
- name: "Searching for a String"
path: /home/myuser/file.txt
line: "string_to_find"
state: absent
check_mode: yes
# want to check only, so set changed explicitly to false
changed_when: false
register: presence
- debug: var=presence
- debug: msg="found"
when: presence.found
- debug: msg="not found"
when: not presence.found
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
did not find expected key
The error appears to be in '/etc/ansible/find.yml': line 11, column 6, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
check_mode: yes
^ here
It is yaml format so you need to use the correct alignment. Note that there is an alignment difference by one space on some lines, compared to @bendingrodriguez' example.
When working with YAML files, the first thing you should consider doing when you get an error is to put your file into a YAML syntax checker and "validate it". There are many YTML validators online, for example using your code @tomislav91 in your original post:
Here are many online YAML checkers on the net, here is one (not particularly recommended or not, just an example):
You will save yourself a lot of time and energy if you validate YAML files after you make changes or when you experience any errors working these "syntax picky" YAML files.
You may want to verify your playbooks to catch syntax errors and other problems before you run them. The ansible-playbook command offers several options for verification, including --check, --diff, --list-hosts, list-tasks, and --syntax-check. The Tools for Validating Playbooks describes other tools for validating and testing playbooks.
You can use ansible-lint for detailed, Ansible-specific feedback on your playbooks before you execute them. For example, if you run ansible-lint on the playbook called verify-apache.yml near the top of this page, you should get the following results:
$ ansible-lint verify-apache.yml [403] Package installs should not use latest verify-apache.yml:8 Task/Handler: ensure apache is at the latest version
The ansible-lint default rules page describes each error. For [403], the recommended fix is to change state: latest to state: presentin the playbook.
What is your next step in troubleshooting this error, @tomislav91 ?
Maybe you should "drill down" on the Ansible "changed_when" directive?
I'm not an Ansible user, but according to the tutorial below, comparing it to your posts, it seems your use of changed_when is quite different than in the tutorial below.
- hosts: web
- name: "Start the Apache HTTPD Server"
become: true
become_user: root
register: starthttpdout
shell: "httpd -k start"
changed_when: "'already running' not in starthttpdout.stdout"
- debug:
msg: "{{starthttpdout.stdout}}"
you have to differentiate between playbooks, roles and tasks. My example was written as a role, I forgot to mention that, sorry. A playbook should look like this:
- name: "main"
hosts: web
- name: "Searching for a String"
check_mode: true
line: something123
path: /home/myuser/file.txt
state: absent
changed_when: false
register: presence
- debug: var=presence
- debug: msg="found"
when: presence.found
- debug: msg="not found"
when: not presence.found
Normally, when I have these types of problems; my debugging technique is to comment out or remove lines, one-line-at-a-time, and run it so "it works" as expected (without a few lines) and then repeat the process, adding lines back in, one-line-at-a-time, until I can isolate the exact line causing the problem.
When you say:
The first step is not to try to "solve the problem". Your first step is to "know what exactly the problem is"; and the main way to do that is to have a step-by-step troubleshooting technique so you can learn exactly what is the problem. Knowing the problem is 80%+ of the work of solving any problem, especially problems in software.
does /home/myuser on exist, i.e. is myuser a real user with that home dir, or is myuser just a placeholder in your playbook/your post? Do you call the playbook as root on
What does
You can add stdout_callback = yaml to the [defaults] section in your ansible config, so the task's output is a bit more human readable. Also you can add -v, -vv or -vvv to the playbook command to print debug output (very much output in the latter case).