Add Multiprocessing I want to use more cores

from bitcoin import *
import timeit
import random

def main():
    privkey = random.randrange(2**256)
    search_for = '12oo'
    address = ''
    count = 0
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    pubkey_point = ''

    print "Searching for %s" % search_for

    while not address.startswith(search_for):
        privkey += 1
        pubkey_point = fast_multiply(G, privkey)
        address = pubkey_to_address(pubkey_point)
        count += 1
        if not count % 1000:
            print "Searched %d in %d seconds" % (count, timeit.default_timer()-start)

    print "Found address %s" % address
    print "Private key HEX %s" % encode_privkey(privkey,'hex')

while True:
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Moved this topic to "Programming" since this is a Python question.

See also:

Python is a terrible language for multithreaded number crunching because of the global interpreter lock.

Using multiple processes would be better, but not nearly as efficient.

I would recommend GoLang for something like this, or maybe C++17 or later (something that includes the Boost thread library).

Sorry, not much of an answer: telling you that the route you’re taking is inefficient for the vehicle you have isn’t helpful in choosing the fastest route. :neutral_face:

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Someone offered me a high paying gig to write crypto-related stuff in D recently, but I am not interested in crypto so I did not bite.


Hi @bigvito19,

of course it would be possible to split the while loop into single parallel processes, which then search the intervals [privkey, privkey+N]. But as Azhrei pointed out, python is not the best choice here. You should use a compiled language like Go, which also has built-in concurrency methods.


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