Adblocking shuts down browsers by default?

One more detail, since I never was interested in netflix or hulu. But since netflix started to make it harder for so called thugs, I see in iceweasel, firefox, konqueror, qupzilla (did not try Otter or Midori) that any adblocking policy or addon just slams down my browser immediately. Only chrome without any blocking allows me to access youtube or something like streaming media. Are there other users here which may have made recently the same experience? Is this a trend to block users who are protecting their own digital privacy? Clockwork orange bad guys forced to assist ads?

Don't block ads... some people actually have to pay for the sites you surf and read for free.

Don't be a freeloader :slight_smile: Support the sites you visit if you don't want to be a paid member.

I use some of things you mention, however, not for breaking the law or trying to rip people off.

I use them for security reasons.

Hi All,

To me this just seems so strange, I have been a "Net User" for very nearly 35 years. I have seen the "Net/Web" evolve from a collection of "Private Only" networks, to what it is now. I am astonished that people think that a few adverts are intrusive, when I started using what we now call the web there were no Adverts to worry about - of course there weren't any graphics either. If you wanted to view any pictures then there was uuencode and uudecode these were not for the faint hearted.

Everything was done on a green (mainly text only) screen, maybe a vt100 if you were lucky. Communication speeds were measured in BAUD and 300BAUD was considered fast, my first connections were through an acoustic coupler at 110/75BAUD.

If you wanted to connect to an other part of the "Internet", you either has to dial the phone number or if you were on one of these fangled Unix systems - you could use cu if the admin allowed you access.

There were no forums, you had to trawl the "usenet" groups if you were looking for something. So to me putting up with adverts, targeted or otherwise isn't a problem - it sometimes is beneficial even.

What I will say though - is that one thing has remained constant, through all the technology changes and upgrades is the ratio of conspiracy theorists - people who believe our privacy is being taken away. Simply not so, we are giving it up. A long time ago, I was told something. It was "Never say anything electronically that you wouldn't shout across a crowded room full of people who didn't like you!"

So if a few adds are so distressing, then maybe you should try an other medium for accessing the web.

