A pattern matching Admin ate my hamster

I'm looking forward to learn something via this unix.com. You call me Non-Sense doesn't make any sense. Some people doesn't quote properly in english but they are all just looking for to take some sense out of this forum.

If you're good in shell / perl scripting and you can't expect everyone to be.

You have hidden two replies is the most vulnerable that I've ever heard in a Forum.

You can never be a good forum administrator, Scott.

I've moved this thread to our complaints department, and given it a snazzy new title. I think our client liaison is back from Mauritius in August.

Look, we're looking forward to you learning Unix too. But you have to demonstrate some willingness to learn for yourself. I most certainly did not call you "nonsense". What is nonsense is the notion that you should expect a ready-made answer to your question without you ever having made, or shown, any willingness to try to solve the problem yourself.

I appreciate that English may not be your first language, but you seemed to understand it well when you asked the question, and when you said "please provide the code".

On the other hand, were someone to answer your thread with a well-documented solution that would improve your understanding, as well as offer a solution, that would be most appreciated. In that hope, I've re-opened your other thread.

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I think Scott is doing a great job as an Admin.

@Scott -- +Thanks for the title.