zone gui

i had installed whole root zone , but no gui avaliable even with vnc please what can i do to enable zone gui

what is a "zone gui"?

i mean how to enable x11 display inside zone , for example managing dhcp using :

"dhcpmgr" has nothing to do with X11.

There is no physical display (i.e. frame buffer), no keyboard and no mouse on a non global zone. You can however remotely run clients, including a desktop environment on it. You might also run a virtual frame buffer like xnest/xephyr/xvnc and the likes.

do you connect from a windows client to the zone with putty?
if yes, you need to install a X Server on Windows (xming) and in putty (if you use putty as ssh client) you have to enable X11 forwarding "Connection - SSH - X11"

To get X11 you must tunnell it through SSH

student@student-desktop:/etc/ssh$ grep X11 ssh_config 
#   ForwardX11 no
#   ForwardX11Trusted yes