ZIP Script modified - Help


I got this script that read directories, create a zip and put logfile into the zip.

dir=/iscsi/webserver231/; for subdir in "$dir"//; do find "$subdir" -type f -name 'ex??????.log' -exec bash -c 'for f; do f=${f##/ex}; echo "${f%??.log}"; done' - {} + | sort -u | while read date; do find "$subdir" -type f -name "ex${date}??.log" -exec zip -m "${subdir}/${date}.zip" {} +; done; done

The script is made to "exyymmdd" but now i got www.xxxxxxx-access_log.09-03-25 , i tried to modify the script but with no sucess......


Best regards

Are you trying to create one zip file for each file in each subdir of $dir ?

or do you want one zip file for each subdir of $dir?