Zip a list of specific files to an archive

Hi all,

i've got the following problem:
We've got a shell-script, that creates some different files based on several criteria given, using a sql-script.
After creating, those files are individually zipped and stored, then sent to a ftp-server.
This is all working since 2010, but now they have to be send via e-mail, too.
This wouldn't be a problem, but there are about 40 files created in every run, and so are 40 e-mails sent.

Is it possible to store all the filenames into a variable while they are created in the loop and then zip them into one file, before sending the e-mail?

To be honest, i've never really worked with shell myself and i'm asking a colleague as a favor. I couldn't find a solution via google and this forum seems to be nice :wink:
She has to manually sort those e-mails every day, if i can't find a solution...

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

well, i think some of the actual code might help...
This is the important part, only slightly changed :wink:

for i in $Criteria; do 
    FileName="$i"_stuff_`date +'%d%m%Y'`.csv

    Subject="$i-stuff `date +'%d.%m.%Y'`"

    if [ -s /output/$FileName ]; then 
    if [ "$P_PASSWORT" != "" ]
        zip -l -j -P $P_PASSWORT /output/$ /output/$FileName
    if [ "$P_RECEIVER" != "" ]; then
        send_mail "$Sender" "$P_RECEIVER" "$Subjekt" "" /output/$FileName $CommandFileName  || { send_mail "$Sender" "$P_ERROR_RECEIVER_MAIL" "$Subjekt" "Error in JOB --> BLA_CUSTOM (FileName: $FileName, stuff: $Criteria). Please Check!"; echo "File couldn't be sent. Error code: $?"; Err_code=1; }

    if [ "$P_FTP_SERVER_ID" != "" ]; then
        # [internal code for ftp-upload]

-z is a GNU extension to the tar command

tar -czf $archive_name $list_of_files_to_append

will create a single archive tarball (A gzipped tape archive) of the 40 files, the files can be listed and individual files can be extracted from the archive or the whole archive un-bundled

If it is in a loop, create a tar archive and use the -r switch to add the other files to the archive file. When done, zip them and send them on their way.
If they are the sole inhabitants of a directory or can be easily specified by a their filenames, just create a tar archive on them directly, zip and mail them...

What the... o_0
What is this place?

I didn't expect an answer until tomorrow!
Wow, thanks for the fast reply, i'll read myself into those commands and try to create a test without crashing our system.

Thank you both very much! :slight_smile:

I tried to modify the example-code from above the way i think would be the easiest (for me).
Am i on the right path? :wink:
It's kinda difficould to actually test it, since the script runs only once a day in the early morning and tomorrow i'm at school, so i won't implement it before thursday.

ArchiveName="$Criteria-stuff-`date +'%d.%m.%Y'`"
for i in $Criteria; do 
    FileName="$i"_stuff_`date +'%d%m%Y'`.csv
    Subject="$i-stuff `date +'%d.%m.%Y'`"

    if [ -s /output/$FileName ]; then 
    if [ "$P_PASSWORT" != "" ]
        zip -l -j -P $P_PASSWORT /output/$ /output/$FileName
        if [ "$P_RECEIVER" != "" ]; then
            ArchiveFiles="$ArchiveFiles /output/$FileName"
    if [ "$P_FTP_SERVER_ID" != "" ]; then
        # [internal code for ftp-upload]

    if [ "$P_RECEIVER" != "" ]; then
        tar -czf $ArchiveName $ArchiveFiles
        send_mail "$Sender" "$P_RECEIVER" "$Subjekt" "" /output/$ArchiveName $CommandFileName  || { send_mail "$Sender" "$P_ERROR_RECEIVER_MAIL" "$Subjekt" "Error in JOB --> BLA_CUSTOM (FileName: $FileName, stuff: $Criteria). Please Check!"; echo "File couldn't be sent. Error code: $?"; Err_code=1; }