zfs upgrade version

did a solaris 10 from an older update version to s10u9...

it boots up clean..

one of the zfs pool comes up with this..older zfs version cannot be by new software..

try to do zpool import <name_of_zone>

cannot import 'zone': pool is formatted using a newer ZFS version

I know my previous zpool version is 22, not sure why this newer release still uses an old version of the software...

Looks like you are trying to import a ZFS pool built with a newer version. Have you got another version of Solaris 10 running on a zone? Where did you export the pool from?

A bit of history

This pool was built under Solaris 10 update 7, I think I did an zfs upgrade to version 22..

Then I did something a few weeks later to corrupt /usr/lib, so I decided to do an upgrade install into Solaris update 9...

This pool name called "zone" was originally defined and config in this same machine, and it is on the SAN..

I wonder if I could deport this pool into anther machine built with Solaris 10 update 7...so that, I at least, I could bring the pool online.

That doesn't make sense. Older version pools can be read by newer Solaris updates, not the other way around (hopefully). Latest Solaris 10 (8/11) supports zpool versions up to 29. Solaris 11 supports up to 32 or 33.

Use a recent Solaris release and check to actual pool version from it.

yes, I was scratching my head a bit..

I could put the latest Solaris10 release, update 10, which includes zfs version 29, higher than the current version and see what happens next..

I don't want to go to Solaris 11 yet, to solve this problem...