Xwindows on a HMC

I have a HMC version 5.2, The HMC controls 4 lpars. I would like to install the powerchute on the HMC and have it be the master control to shutdown each of the lpars and the VIO server in order so no harm is done to the VIO server.

AIX version 5.3 64bit

My problem is i have to install powerchute in a gui enviroment and none of my LPARS have a gui enviroment it seems.

If anyone has solved this problem or know where the information is that would be fantastic. I have found some faint mumblings of installing it on the HMC but they were all vague.

You have several options.

I all of them, what you need is a Xserver running in the machine where you want to see the windows in.

In my case, I use Cygwin Xserver in my Windows desktop and, sshd configured to allow X tunneling in all my LPAR and the same in my ssh client (edit ssh_config for the client and sshd_config for the server, then restart sshd)

Another option. From the HMC you only need to "xhost +" to allow X conenctions, telnet to the LPAR, "export DISPLAY=<HMC_IP:DISPLAY>" and launch the installation.


I dont understand what the functionality of powerchute will be. You can remote control your HMC fine from any host or client having a browser.
I am not sure you can issue xhost+ on new HMCs (its a very restricted environment).
It is recommended not to install anything on HMC, especially if your environment is a production environment. Be very carefull with HMC

I agree. That's why I prefer using ssh with X tunnels so that you do not need to modify anything on the HMC... Although I think pagink wants to install powerchute on his LPAR, not in the HMC.

Also, I think he says he doesnt have X server running on LPARs because probably there is no graphic card attached to the system.
So, pagink, if you want to run X server on your LPAR you can install Xvfb and run fine X server.

Well, that will be a solution if the app needs an X server to run. But won't be if he needs X just to see the installation wizard :slight_smile:

Anyway, you could install VNC. That will allow you a graphical installation directly in your LPAR...