xterm font colors - configuration question?

When I telnet (ssh) over to my Fedora system, I find the colors horrible. For instance, regular files are white text, which is fine, but directories show up as dark blue which is virtually invisible against the black background). Additionally, when using vi, I find the colors great doing perl scripts as it differentiates from comments and active code, but again - I can't read the comments because they are practically invisible.

I want to keep using colors, but just change the dark blue and maybe the red to something easier to see. Does anyone know the name of the file that I can vi and know where get a list of colors?


  • Matt

For the xterm at least, take a look at ~/.Xresources (or ~/.Xdefaults)

The list of colours varies depending on OS
Try /usr/openwin/lib/rgb.txt or /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt


vi or vim? If using vim you can change the color while using vim, using

:color desert
:color elflord

Depending on which OS, and if using vim, you should be able to find the colors in /usr/share/vim/vim63/colors, path may vary slightly.

check your aliases, you may find that ls is aliased to "ls --color=tty". You can unalias that, or remove it from your login scripts.

Also, I use /bin/vi instead of /usr/bin/vim, and I don't get colors. If I use /usr/bin/vim, I get color. Again, check your aliases.

Try vim.org to get some info about how to turn it off...