Xserver shared library link is gone

I am administering an Xserver v10.6.8 and I updated the ports using Macports self update. I received this error when calling the program R

dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libicuuc.48.dylib
Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/R/lib/x86_64/libR.dylib
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap

I went to /opt/local/lib/ and could not find libicuuc.48.dylib but I did find libicuuc.51.dylib.
Is there a command line fix to reestablish the link so I can the program R up and running?

Well, you can certainly try this:

ln -s /opt/local/lib/libicuuc.51.dylib /opt/local/lib/libicuuc.48.dylib

But your mileage may vary because now the program and the library are out of kilter, and you may need to update the other part (the part you didn't just update), or roll back the part you did.

Thanks. I decided to just replace the .dylib files with the older ones .