xscreensaver error

I recently downloaded Solaris 10 and installed it on a Sun Blade 100. When the unit books up I get two error messages regarding the xscreensaver. I cannot lock the terminal because the xscreensaver is not working. Any ideas about fixing this problem. Is there someplace I can download another screensaver to replace this one?

I am new to UNIX and do not know where to start in troubleshooting this issue.

xscreensaver must be running already in order for xscreensaver-lock to work so you need to start xscreensaver as the user logs on, e.g. add a call to xscreensaver into/etc/.dt/sessions/sessionetc script if you are using CDE, I did a check that ${LOGNAME} matched the owner of the console so that users SSHing in and starting a CDE desktop do not get xscreensaver!

Once you have done the change, logged and and back on again run:
$ ps -ef | grep xscreensaver | grep -v grep
to check that xscreensaver has been started.