xlc compiler options versus gcc

Hi all,

I would like to compile a program and get current errors and warnings report to me as � gcc -Wall �.

Does someone can give me these options to get an equivalent ?
Or the ommon option used to put them in a CFLAGS in a Makefile.

Something like :

xlc -O2 -Wall my_prog.c -o my_prog



I believe the option "-qinfo=all" enables more verbose warnings.

have you consulted the xlc documentation or use the help option?

Yes, I've already look at the manual.

There are a lot of compiling options, and no global option for a "usefull" compilation :confused:

And with


I get a big list (more than 3000 lines!) of warning concerning headers in /usr/include/ directory like this : :mad:

Does anyone can give me some usefull standards options of xlc to use with common project ?

Sure. Michael Perzl has a nice page on compiling software for AIX.

I've tested theses options.

So, there is no option for xlc, as simple as "gcc -Wall", that bring us warnings or erros about source code :frowning:
