Xhost usage in AIX


Can some one please advise on the usage of xhost command in aix.

The AIX server name is pmut3.

The below is the requirement :

Only allow X11 / X-Window connections to the pmut3 server from the following windows hosts:

Citrix Session Host server SRV090
Citrix Session Host server SRV091

The below is the status of my aix server :

pmut3:/> cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -i X11                                                        
X11Forwarding yes 
#X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes
#       X11Forwarding no

Below are the commands I have given :

pmut3:/> export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0                                                                 
pmut3:/> xhost +srv090                                                                                 
1356-200 xhost unable to open display "localhost:10.0"


Please advise me on this.

Hello newtoaixos,

Following link may help you in same to understand it.

IBM Knowledge Center

R. Singh

What machine's console are you logging in to?