Xfce installer script

Xfce desktop installer script on Ubuntu for home, office or server computers.

This script installs Xfce desktop and a set of programs according to user needs starting from an Ubuntu Server base system. It's valid for netbooks, notebooks, desktop computers and servers.

For more information visit the website: Xfce Installer
Facebook english: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Xfce-installer-script-for-Ubuntu/560772053963955
Facebook spanish: https://www.facebook.com/XfceInstaller

I hope you find it useful. Greetings.

A new version of the Xfce installer script has been developed: version 1.2

It's still compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04 and now it also adds support for Ubuntu 13.10.

Added installation profiles to specify the preset programs to be installed on computers of different areas: desktop computers (newer or older), office computers or even server computers. According to the selected profile, the programs to be installed vary to suit the needs.

Also added other interesting features.