XDMCP and VNC graphics corruption

I'm trying to create a persistent KDE session and access that login remotely.
While logged into the remote machine I have enabled XDMCP and started a VNC server that requests a login screen.

vnc4server -query localhost -geometry 800x480 -depth 8

When I try to view that vnc screen the login screen looks ok but once I log in the KDE panel at the bottom looks like garbled graphics and becomes unusable. Any reason why this might happen?

If it is pertinent, I'm using the KDE plasma desktop and have an ATOM nvidia Ion2 using the nvidia drivers


X -query localhost:2

at the remote machine seems to work (though nepomuk fails)

Is there any way to view a new persistent session remotely via VNC?

Why using those fancy things when you can use a smooth ssh session and can do endless things with a terminal? :wink: Just kidding!

Try with -depth 32; if that does not work you can decrease it gradually all the way down to 8. Safe values are 32, 16 and 8. 8 being the lowest color depth.

Let me know if this works!!

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I have tried 8, 16, 24, and 32. Unfortunatly none of them fix the problem. I suspect that it is due to compositing that the VNC server (vnc4server) cannot handle.

I have since read that x11vnc with the -noxdamage option can fix this problem but I don't know how to start a seperate session with x11vnc

when I do

x11vnc -geometry 800x480

it just seems to scale the local session to 800x480

when I do

x11vnc -geometry 800x480 -create

I cannot connect to the created session even though it shows as connected to a client in the local terminal where the server command was issued.

I've been reading documentation for 2 days but cannot make head or tails of it. What I'm essentially trying to do is provide a persistent vnc session separate to the one shown at the physical screen. I want another x session which prompts for a username and password which I can access remotely via vnc on another thin client.

I was under the impression that having a file /etc/xinetd.d/x11vnc1 containing

service x11vnc
        type            = UNLISTED
        port            = 5901
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/local/bin/x11vnc
        server_args     = -inetd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -xdmsvc
        disable         = no

and the corresponding entry in /etc/services

x11vnc1      5901/tcp

that I will be greeted with a login screen when I connect to IPofServer:1 from any PC running a vncviewer. Is that correct or have I misunderstood something?

Here is the FAQ for x11vnc where I have been trying to gain some information to get this to work:
x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays

can some one say what is an BMC device in solaris and how does it help.Thanks in advance

Not sure how this is relevant to my thread but here is your answer

Intelligent Platform Management Interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia