.XDefaults - maxDocumentSize Issue

Hi All,
I ran into "Memory Buffer Full" issue on my Solaris 8.0 machine. After googling, I found out that it is the maxDocumentSize value issue. (Although I do not have this entry in the current .XDefaults file. So it assumes I guess 2000 Bytes)
I deleted some Log Files and system was up and running again. Here is the memory snapshot details when the issue came -

Swap Allocated - 59328 KB
Swap Reserved - 17144 KB
Total Swap In Use - 76472 KB
Swap Available for Use - 1855056 KB

So, I wanted to know -

  1. What value should I enter in a calculative and logical way so that even if the Log size increases to a certain limit, the memory buffer full issue should not arise ?
  2. What extra setting / compilations I have to do after I have set this value in the .XDefaults file ?
