Xaw3d asciiTextWidget: how to scroll right without scrollbar

this is kinda solved

I need to program an ordinary text field which scrolls to the right when it gets filled. It must be in Xaw3d. I cannot get the asciiTextWidget to do it.

Which resource do you need to set in asciiTextWidget to allow the widget to scroll to the right when typing text in it (without showing the scrollbar: like in the address bar in firefox, or in any other text field in the world)?

In asciiTextWidget, when i fill a (one-line) text widget, the last typed characters become invisible. This is what also happens in eg. the xfig application,and is not what I want.
However,in the xfm file manager popups (like 'install' from the application window), the text scrolls to the right, hiding the letters on the left side. I cannot find anything in the app-defaults which causes this behavior. When I compile xfm myself, it does not allow this scrolling, but xfm from my (Linux abd BSD) distributions does, so I think it must be in the resources somewhere.

Looking it up, in xfm source code, the function call is in createPopupQuestions(). When I try this same function with the text_args from the same source, I still do not get the behavior I need

static Arg text_args[] = {
  { XtNfromHoriz, (XtArgVal) NULL },
  { XtNfromVert, (XtArgVal) NULL },
  { XtNstring, (XtArgVal) "Text which needs to be scrolled"},
  { XtNlength, (XtArgVal)15   },
  { XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) 200  },
  { XtNtop, XtChainTop },
  { XtNbottom, XtChainTop },
  { XtNleft, XtChainLeft },
  { XtNright, XtChainRight },
  { XtNeditType, XawtextEdit },
  { XtNtype, XawAsciiString },

 vert=XtCreateManagedWidget("text", \
       asciiTextWidgetClass, form_widget,text_args , XtNumber(text_args ));

Thanx for any tips

On usenet I have found out that I must have been looking at the wrong xfm version. The newer version has its own text field code. I have added that widget to my code now. I would still prefer the default Xaw3d stuff, though
With autofill to true, and overriding "~Ctrl ~Alt <Key>:", you can get comparable behavior in Xaw3d. I set MAXLEN higher than the max possible string length allowed to be inputted, and I use
&someint,&curposition,&someotherint) and XawTextTopPosition(widget) to track the position and line number in the display.
It is not good, but it is a start