x4270 Solaris Install without DVD Drive


Im installing solaris 10 on an x4270 server, but there is no DVD drive. I have only my windows laptop (with dvd drive) and direct access to the ILOM on the server via straight cable.
Does anyone know any tips on how to get the solaris installed using what i have?


you can mount an solaris iso (x86) via ilom and boot with this "virtual" drive. also jumpstart via pxe boot would be an option...

Thanks, i was able to connect by typing the ILOM ip into a web browser using https://
and then re-directing the keyboard, mouse and dvdrom to my laptop.
after a reboot of the server it picked up the solaris dvd in my laptop dvd drive.

the solaris install took a very long time and seemed to be subject to network disturbances, but in the end it was successful.