X-Windows on Solaris


I am new to the X-windows concept. I am connecting to Solaris Server through putty. I heard we can start an X-windows session(GUI) of the Solaris server from putty session as well.

Can somebody help as how to proceed to acheive this ?

Thanks in advance.

you need a xserver on the machine which is running putty... something like:

Xming - PC X Server

Thank u for the response,DukeNuke2. It would be kind if you could elaaborate it a little...

I tried the following steps:
a) edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config file and made these changes: XForwardAgent yes and ForwardX11 yes
b) restarted the ssh service.
c) exported DISPLAY="host ip:0.0"
d) tried to run xclock on putty session as : cd /usr/openwin/bin/ and then ./xclock --> this should start a GUI Clock but i am getting the following error "Error: Can't open display: xx.x.x.xxx:0.0"

Somebody with the solution for this or suggest on the error ??

Thank you.

have you installed the x server on your windows system? is the software running?

The x-windows concept uses terminology which would seem back to front to the normal user. ie client / server.

Client = X enabled APPLICATIONS (installed on the server you are connecting to through your putty session). e.g. xclock etc.....

Server = This is the portion of the software that interfaces with your local graphics hardware - it's installed on your local (Windows) client / workstation.

You start the local x server app on your pc then connect to your unix server via your putty session. set your DISPLAY variable and start an X client (enabled app) and the Graphics output will get redircted to your pc.

Something like Netserang's X-manager or Hummingbird Exceed gets my vote for an X-server


step c) is incorrect. When you tunnel X11 through ssh, the DISPLAY variable is automatically set by sshd with something like localhost:10. You must not change its value.

Thank you all for your valuable suggestions.....
Thank u DukeNuke for the idea,
thank u Celtic monkey for the elaboration and thank u jlliagre for the correction......

I have installed X server on my local PC and now it is working......

This has provoked another doubt...might sound silly but cannot help it out...is it possible to achieve this without installing a third party tool like an Xmanager, xming etc etc.....

Not on Windows, no, as there's probably no Microsoft product supporting the X11 protocol.

Native Windows? No Not to my knowledge.

You need something that is XDMCP aware.