X-Win32 not working

I am trying to export windows display to my unix SunOS

I have Windows server 2000 which has X-Win32 v6 installed.

I start X-Win32. I then go to configure session with the following details.

  1. host name: myhost
  2. command: xterm -ls
    3 username: user1
    4 password: password

Then i right click on the X icon next to the clock and click session and choose the session i configured above.

I then use Putty and enable under Connection-> SSH-> X11 -> enable X11 Forwarding. I leave the X Display location as blank.

I then login to myhost and export DISPLAY=WINDOWS2000IP:0.0 and xterm &

Then I start my app using ./config.sh but the Display [GUI] does not show up.

Can you help me somehow get the display GUI ?

Has this setup ever worked for you?