X server startup on Solaris 9


I have Solaris 9 installed on a SunFire V880. When the machine boots up, I get a message, "the X-server cannot be started on display:0".

I searched the forum for possible solution, however, they are not applicable to my problem for two reasons: either the platform is different or the executables that are suggested as solution (kbmconfig, xorgconfig, etc.) are not on my server.

Can anyone help me or point me in a direction where I can find solution for my problem.

Thank you for help,

Purvesh Khatri

You need to go to something like


and comment out the :0 screen in Xservers or similar.

Thanks for the quick reply. If I comment out the line for :0 screen in the Xservers file, where will it start the X server? Will I see the graphical login?

Sorry, I misunderstood, I thought you didn't want the X server started.

Do you have a graphics card?

Otherwise you can use an Xterminal to look at it.

Yes, I have a graphics card, either XVR 100 or XVR 500. I am not sure which one though. I just obtained the drivers for both cards. I am going to install them and try rebooting with "boot -r" to see if that helps.

Do you suggest anything else?

I very much appreciate your help.


2 things. I have had this happen a lot to me. usually the graphics card is not detected or the keyboard and mouse is causing the problem.
first trying switch both keyboard and mouse with a good working one if possible
If that does not work do the following
once it prompts that xserver can not be started login with your user name and pass. then run the following
/usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag -v

look for your graphics card in there that looks like this

PCI 66 PCI4 SUNW-XVR-100 (display)

you want to make sure that it reads okay in there and not failed. if you do not see a video card in there then you need to check your drivers and some other items like the seeding of the card

come and post what you find and we will go from there

try reboot -- -r this will configure it as well. if that does not work you could
try renaming in / dev to dev.old and devices devices.old then run devfsadm -r / and see what that will do. but use this as a last resort for now. there are some other things to try