X-Client recommendation

Hi folks,

Does someone have a good choice for a free xclient software ???
We used to use Xwin32 from Starnet, but there is a licensing issue currently happening and I need to indicate an alternative to it. The idea is just to provide a graphic interface access for AIX.

Thanks Regards,


Hm, there is Cygwin, which has an X-Server. How good or bad it is i don't know, because i have installed Fedora on my workplace and moved the original Windoze system to a virtual machine.

IMHO Unix administrators work best having a UNIX system at their desk, not some crippling terminal emulator. If you can make a recommendation get management to buy you some Linux-Workstation as a workplace. It will not be AIX, but close enough to make your working environment comfortable and still not any more expensive than a Windoze desktop.

You could have a separate Windows-Workstation for the unescapable Outlook/Exchange or install some Virtual Machines-Solution and run Windows from there. I recommend KVM instead of the Virtual Box i use, because it is faster and overall better, but in most cases anything will do: KVM, Virtual Box, VMWare - probably even Wine.

I hope this helps.


Do you really mean X client software, or do you mean X server software???

X Server software provides "display, keyboard, and mouse" services for X-enabled clients like xterms (or aixterms).

I personally use cygwin-X server on my Windows XP. I use it to start an XDMCP session on my AIX 6.1 system. In that session, I can start aixterm windows which use the cygwin-x display for output. It works quite well.

I agree with previous posts. But I have found that Xming serves me well, together with Cygwin+bash and "ssh -Y" or Putty with X11 tunneling enabled. The font support has been sufficient. Easy to install. Some people may have issues with licensing.

Best regards,