Windows to Linux Files Transfer

I have to write a batch script in windows and transfer files from windows ro linux. But I am not able to connect to the Linux machine. The script to transfer files from windows to unix is not working. Please let me know how to transfer files using script.

P.S.- I have to put files from We have to write the script in windows.

Could you show us the code of your existing script (OBSCURE PASSWORDS etc..) and any errors it displays when run?

how do you transfer files between windows and linux WITHOUT script? after you give us this information, we might be able to give you some hints how to do it with a script/batchfile...

There's not a 'linux method' of transferring files. It depends on what services you're running on the Linux server, and how you're trying to use them.

Show what you've tried and in what manner it doesn't work please.

Thanks...I have installed psftp client on my machine. then I am using the below script.


cd /path on which I shall put my txt files/
mput *txt


psftp user_name@IP_address -pw password -batch -b b.scr

Now it is working. But my question is if there are no txt files in my local directory, then some garbage message is there on command prompt. I want to put a check condition. But its not working.

I used below CHECK condition:

IF EXIST "local file path\*txt" ELSE (goto :eof)

Please suggest.......