Windows Active Network Connection Override

Hi All,

I use two Network Connections at work: Wireless and LAN.
Wireless network has no limitations, but LAN internet has a web filter.

I start a download using my Wireless conn. (At this point, LAN is disabled)
But when I activate my LAN connection my download stops immediately.
LAN conn. overrides Wireless.
How can I prevent LAN conn. to override Wireless?


Their is a priority level at CONTROL PANEL > Network connections > Advanced settings.

You can set the Wireless LAN as your first priority that the LAN.

Wireless Network Connection is on top of the list in Control Panel-->Network Connecitons-->Advanced-->Advanced Settings -->Adapters and Bindings;
but i'm having the same problem again..

Any other suggestions?

I am making an assumption they are different networks.

Manually change your routes?
Use your wifi your default gateway.

First delete the current default to the wired lan.
route add mask wifi.gateway.ip.addr
add specific routes if you need to hit stuff on the lan via wired connect.