Will Chkconfig works for normal user apart from root user


I am trying to schedule a script that starts on reboot.I came across chkconfig utility to schedule scripts on reboot.
Problem here is can i how to use this chkconfig to schedule a script that runs a s normal user.
Or if there is any other function to schedule on reboot as normal user please suggest


chkconfig is for system services.

For scripts to be run as a normal user, I suggest the user's crontab, with the line @reboot /path/to/script.sh

Beware that cron's environment is intentionally minimal, your script may need to set its own fuller PATH or . /etc/profile before it does anything else or it might not find the commands it needs.

Hi Corona,

I have already tried using @reboot in crontab but the script didnot execute i am not sure why.

Is there any other condition to be followed or i need to set something for @reboot command to work in REd hat linux


Probably because of the PATH problem I mentioned in my post above.

You might also need to change directory.

Hi Corona,

Thank you so much it is working..


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