Why global var is not global with export

I try to define global var assuming that I can acces it from multiple sessions/terminal windows, but I can't do this with either comand line or script delcaratino/export. I'm not a root user doing this, but is this should not be matter.
Even if I do this lines below in script, being in the very same terminal session I can't see this LX_PATH value? Is it right?
I read and assumed that <export var> should take care of it.

Is it possible to make it visible somehow? my script issues this lines, and I want to have this value accros the server accessing it thru sript ot terminal. I'm on Fedora 14.

export LX_PATH

Where do you define the above variable and export..? Try placing the variable in .profile file under home directory for it to be visible in your current session or place it in /etc/profile to be visible for any sessions. This is with respect to SuSe Linux, im not sure on Fedora. But its just an heads-up.

Add to ~/.bashrc
export LX_PATH=dir1/dir2/dir3:dir4/dir5

That will make it available for you in every interactive not login shell, and in any login session as long as ~/.bashrc is sourced in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc_profile

Thanks all guys,
Yes I see that if you make in .profile or bashrc ,it works all accross the server, but I have this declaration in one start up script which suppose to set some LX_LIBRARY path for odbc connection and surely it doesn't work, so I'm checking this. Not sure in what cases <export var> from the shell can help, only for children processes and within same term session?
If script starts by cron, who can use this var?

I also confused with explanation for "how to make var global", on www it says that <export> will do the job.
something like from comp.unix.sco Meta FAQ
