Whitespace in filenames in for loop in bash script

I'm trying to search all .odt files in a directory for a string in the text of the file.
I've found a bash script that works, except that it can't handle whitespace in the filenames.


if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: searchodt searchterm"
    exit 1

for file in $(ls *.odt); do
    unzip -ca "$file" content.xml | zgrep -ql "$1"
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "$file"

(Coutesy of [ubuntu] [SOLVED] Search multiple .odt files - Ubuntu Forums)
I've gone through a number of postings on this forum, but simple tricks like quotes, of any kind, don't work. Any quotes I put around

(ls *.odt)

or just


stop it working completely

I found this code

find /path/to/some/where/ -name  "*.pdf"  | awk '{print $5}'| uniq -d |while read name ; do

in a thread here

which solves the problem in that context, but I don't see how to integrate it into the script.

Try it with:

for file in *.odt; do

instead of:

for file in $(ls *.odt); do

Thank you very much, I never thought of just taking that out!

For the completeness of this thread in case others are interested it has also been pointed out by someone on the other thread that all the way over on page *2* of the referenced thread there is a working script for this purpose, which also takes the path as command line arg. :o


if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
        echo "Usage: searchodt searchpath searchterm"
        exit 1

find $1 -name "*.odt" | while read file
        unzip -ca "$file" content.xml | grep -qli "$2"
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                echo "Found keyword in: " $file


For extra completeness:
The reason why $(ls *) fails for files with spaces is that the default word separators for the shell includes spaces. So when the result of the substitution gets expanded by the shell, spaces act as boundaries and filenames get cut over them.
One solution is to remove the space character as a separator, by modifying the special IFS variable:

IFS=$(echo "")

echo always prints a newline unless passed -n, so the above produces a newline portably across platforms.
Now, only newlines define word boundaries and spaces in filenames are no longer a problem.

This way you can substitute things like $(grep string file) for iterating.

Thanks, useful know how.