While Loop with if else condition

I was trying to write a shell script which reads csv file and sends mail in html format along with tables. Hope i have completed 1st part , but while sending mail i was trying to highlight some rows in the table based on the egrep outcome. If the string exists in line/INPUT, i am trying to highlight it(row) with a different color. Tried if else condition with wc -l . but it didn't work. Below is my script . Please correct the script where i am doing wrong. Thanks in advance

echo "To: MyMail@domain.com"
echo "Subject: Test HTML"
echo "Content-Type: text/html"
echo "<html> <font face='verdana' size='7' >"
echo "<table border='1' width='100%' bgcolor='#DDDDDD' >" ;
while read INPUT ; 
b=$? echo  "$line"  | egrep "Failed|Absent" | wc -l
if [[ $b==0 ]]
 echo "<tr><td >${INPUT//,/</td><td>}</td></tr>"
 echo "<tr><td bgcolor='red' >${INPUT//,/</td><td bgcolor='red'>}</td></tr>"
fi ; done < file.csv ; echo "</table>" 
echo "</font></html>"
) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

Removing if else part , works fine and which completes my 1st part.

b=$? echo  "$line"  | egrep "Failed|Absent" | wc -l
if [[ $b==0 ]]
  echo "<tr><td >${INPUT//,/</td><td>}</td></tr>"else
 echo "<tr><td bgcolor='red' >${INPUT//,/</td><td bgcolor='red'>}</td></tr>"

Sample of file.csv

Student4,Subject4,In Progress,2013-04-27,18:00:00

No need to use an external utility grep for checking if the pattern exists in each record.

You can read each field in the CSV by setting the IFS and perform the check:

        echo "To: user@domain.com"
        echo "Subject: Test HTML"
        echo "Content-Type: text/html"
        echo "<html><body>"
        echo "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=#DDDDDD>"
        while IFS="," read stu sub res dt tm
                if [ "$res" == "Absent" ] || [ "$res" == "Failed" ]
                        echo "<tr>"
                        echo "<td bgcolor=red>$stu</td>"
                        echo "<td bgcolor=red>$sub</td>"
                        echo "<td bgcolor=red>$res</td>"
                        echo "<td bgcolor=red>$dt</td>"
                        echo "<td bgcolor=red>$tm</td>"
                        echo "</tr>"
                        echo "<tr>"
                        echo "<td>$stu</td>"
                        echo "<td>$sub</td>"
                        echo "<td>$res</td>"
                        echo "<td>$dt</td>"
                        echo "<td>$tm</td>"
                        echo "</tr>"
        done < file.csv
        echo "</table>"
        echo "</body></html>"
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Thanks Yoda , that just worked fine and met exactly my intention of script.

Sorry i could've mentioned it in my 1st post

Is there any possible way of dynamically adding <tr> <td> for the while loop with if else statement (grep if possible), cause i'm planning to implement several scripts which does have several columns may not be having a similar pattern like the example i have shown

I wanted to highlight the row if the specified string exists in the line. (fail & Absent) and have it with <tr><td>
(I have produced a test data from which i'm trying say that data is not in similar pattern. )
In my raw data no of columns is same in each and every row

Script 1 data --- No of Columns 3
Student1,All,Passed-6 code 0 
Student4,Subject4,In Progress 1 
Student5,Subject5,Failed(2 subjects)

Script 2 data -- No of columns 5
Student4,Subject4,In Progress,2013-04-27,18:00:00 

OK, so if you have CSV files with variable number of fields I would suggest using awk:

awk -F, '
        BEGIN {
                print "To: user@domain.com"
                print "Subject: Test HTML"
                print "Content-Type: text/html"
                print "<html><body>"
                print "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=#DDDDDD>"
        /Absent/ || /Failed/ {
                print "<tr>"
                for ( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ )
                        print "<td bgcolor=red>" $i "</td>"
                print "</tr>"
        !/Absent/ && !/Failed/ {
                print "<tr>"
                for ( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ )
                         print "<td>" $i "</td>"
                print "</tr>"
        END {
                print "</table>"
                print "</body></html>"
' file.csv
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Excellent .. Thanks again.. Yoda