Which Solaris 10 software group is installed?

Hey Forumers-

I know how to tell which update of Solaris 10 is installed on my systems (/etc/release) but how can I determine which software group is installed?

  1. reduced network support software group (SUNWCrnet)
  2. core system support software group (SUNWCreq)
  3. end user system support software group (SUNWCuser)
  4. developer software group (SUNWCprog)
  5. entire system support software group (SUNWCall)
  6. entire + OEM software group (SUNWCXall)

I tried running pkginfo | grep -i <package bundle from above> but that doesn't work.

Thanks in Advance!

cat /var/sadm/system/admin/CLUSTER
1 Like

That works!

# cat /var/sadm/system/admin/CLUSTER
