Which is your favourite desktop?

Gnome2 (yet?)

just compiz with some xfce goodies :slight_smile:


No Desktop Environment.
A Window Manager is all I want.

FreeBSD 9.0 & pekwm

+1 from my side! You put very well what i was thinking the last years.

I myself use mwm (Motif Window Manager) without any "desktop" or fvwm configured to look like mwm , but i prefer mwm because it can be so simply configured. fvwm typically has a 50k-configuration file with hundreds and thousands of options.

IMHO mwm has the most elegant appearance of them all. The overwhelming majority of my windows are xterm s and Mozilla sessions and the only "menu" i need is the one i get when i right-click the root window. In this menu i have several xterm-entries in different colours for the various tasks (for instance root-windows have a different colour scheme so they stand out from non-root windows).



i used to think that i should have at least mwm on a unix desktop but since i do a lot of work in both unix and windows environments -- i actually prefer to work in ms windows and just use an xserver that would accept xterms from the servers i am working on ... this way i can cut and paste between the xterm windows and whatever windows app i am using (i.e., outlook, word, excel, etc.) ... it also helps a lot to be able to keep an eye on long unix processes while also troubleshooting windows-related issues ...


I'm using KDE, but choosed both KDE and XFCE in this poll. I think, if you need big&cool desktop you will use KDE, and if you don't need lots of effects you will use XFCE.

Could 'Awesome' (WM based on LUA) be on the list please?
Also my 'alternative' LXDE isnt shown.

KDE 1.x (what more do you need I've seen it on machines with 16MB)
KDE 3.5.x (more than you'll ever need... yet doesn't fit in 640k)
Enlightenment 16 (snazzy and decent... sadly programmed by lunatics)
LXDE (what I use when I can't have the above)

That pretty much sums it up... I've used dwm on my Fujitsu P1120 which was as much tiling as I could cope with, as well as JWM and IceWM on occasion with a stint of running the ROX desktop... I still love that file manager.

I don't use anything but fluxbox on my FreeBSD boxen. I have a few styles available on my site if anyone is interested.

I installed Fedora LXDE spin about 6 months ago on my Dell 17-inch workstation, and so far so good.

I prefer cinnamon. Nothing else matters.

I use a tiling window manager i3wm evry where.
if only console is available then I just use tmux+ranger+vim+w3m
and this is no worse. I have increased the font size.
For one thing I will learn how to embed screenshots))


This is how my AwesomeWM looks like with an empty desktop: