where to put autorstart command?

hi everyone,
I want to run some command automatically when the OS boot.
In Linux, I found that we just put it into /etc/rc.local file; but I don't know where to put it in HP-UX system.
please, help me........
thanks very much, :slight_smile:

The standard way to do is,

1) Create a script in /sbin/init.d
2) Link it to a runlevel directory ( rc1.2 or rc2.d or rc3.d) with an S in the begining. And then a link to the stop runleve directory starts with "K"
3) If there is a config file, put it in /etc/rc.config.d

I think you can see lots of examples there . For example check the /sbin/init.d/net script and its configs ... you should be able to get a clearer pic from there.

Regards, Kaps

Thank kapilrai,
my machine have some problem, so I've tried what you wrote here.
But I will try it, :slight_smile: