Where does the command coreadm -e log

I ran the commad

coreadm -e log

. Does anybody know where this file went on a Solaris 10 system? I checked in the current working directory and I don't see a file called

in the directory. I also checked /var/core and I didn't see a log there.

It generates a syslog(3C) message when generation of a global core file is attempted.
No log files are written as you expect
Each process that terminates abnormally produces two core files: one in the current working directory and one in the /corefiles directory.
If you want to collect core dumps into some directory for instance your home directory try out the following

$coreadm -p $HOME/corefiles/%n.%f.%p $$

$$ is the process-id of the currently running shell.

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I'm pretty new to Solaris, what command do I use to get the process id of the currently running shell?

echo $$

$$ The process number of the current shell.

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same as in all *nix systems... echo $$

Where is the file created when I run the command:

coreadm -p $HOME/corefiles/%n.%f.%p $$

In your home directory beneath the corefiles directory


Is a variable holds the full to your home directory.