Where Can You dwonload Redhat

Where do you download redhat free edition and how do you use some of it's tools. This confuses me when I am working on a customers computer. I know how to use Linux and everything else. I know how to use redhat but I need to know if anyone knows how to use the tool on redhat pro zzknetmonitor.exe? This is only for the pro editions and you must buy the tool. The tool mwas originally developed in linux.:confused:

From what I understand Redhat is no longer free. fedora on the other hand is.

To get updates and packages for Redhat older versions I always go to my local FTP sites (aarnet and planetmirror net for me in OZ) and download them from there when you find what you want.

If you have to buy the tool then I don't think you'll get a free copy. If it's not that costly to purchase then purchase it.

The free branch of RedHat has been merged with the Fedora Project.

Please take the time to read the superb FAQ here.

Direct download links to both Fedora and legacy RedHat ISO images can be found here. They are also both widely available in CD and DVD guise through BitTorrent.
If you are interested in maintaining old RedHat releases please be sure to check out the Fedora Legacy Project.

You can get Fedora free from an FTP server here : http://www.linuxiso.org . There are several versions available for you, I just hope you have a high-speed connection where you are :slight_smile:

^^ That is what my previous post said :slight_smile:

Hmm.... if this tool is in RH I doubt that it'll end with a ".exe" extension" - this is generally Windows practice..... I have heard of a tool called "knetmonitor" but all available documentation seems to be in Japanese.


I didn't see that post, sorry. I am notorious for saying "RTFM" and offering generic advice, for which I sould die :slight_smile: