where can i set editor option to yes

Hi all
I am new to this forum (just registered)
I need help from you guys
Even if it is a basic question please don't hesitate to answer.Any answer will be helpful to me

I am unable to get the previously entered commands by pressing uparrow
When i enered uparrow it is giving ^[[A
I got information from google like we should set the "editor" parameter to "yes"
But i am unable to find where to set this option

Thanks in advance

Switch to bash or latest ksh93 for this to work.

... but the one I generall favour is to put a statement ...

set -o vi

.... in .profile or .kshrc for ksh users. You can then vi-editor controls to retreive and edit the command line. On the command line, you are in normal input mode until you press the escape button. You are now in command mode and can use the vi control buttons.

k - previous line
j - next line (if you have gone too far back)
h - left one character
l - right one character, yes that's l (lower case L) for right.
x - delete current character
i - insert before current character (back to input mode)
a - append after current character (back to input mode)
A - append to end of line
C - clear to end of line and back into input mode
D - clear to end of line (remain in command mode)

.... the list goes on, but these are the most useful. The arrow keys take on functions too:-

Up - Escape A, therefore append to end of line
Down - Escape B, back a "word" and into command mode.
Right - Escape C, clear to end of line and into input mode.
Left - Escape D, clear to end of line and into command mode.

I hope that this helps a bit.
