Where am I?


Is there any command to tell me where did I click? I know it's a litle confuse but it's like this.
if I execute this script by clicking with the right button of my mouse, it gaves me the dir or file where I clicked

zenity --info --title="Echo:" --text "`echo "?????"`"

this would be useful to use in a program that I've in mind


this zenity script is just a "do-nothing" little script...

--info gives the little lightbulb....
--title sets the window title
--text gives you a text label....

You mean, you want it to give you the directory that you click?

Sure, try something like this:


  zenity --list --title="Choose the directory you wish to view" \
       --column="Directory" \
admin \
bin \
data \
deploy \
lost+found \
pdc \
scratch \
web \
webnet \

print dir=$dir

Man, the idea is to not need to enter the directory. Is to write a script that tells me in which directory I am or in which file did I click

Oh. Try this, man.

file=`zenity --list --title="Choose the FILE you wish to view" --column="File" *`
zenity --info --title="file, directory..." --text "directory: $PWD\nfile: $file"