What is your favorite TED talk?

The TED talk (Technology Entertainment Design) non-profit initiative started many years ago as a platform for sharing knowledge to a wide audience. Since 2006 the talks are available online under a Creative Commons license. There are now 1000+ TED talks from a wide range of subjects and I wanted to highlight a few of them given the particular importance of the subject matter:

I must have seen well over a hundred TED talks and the three above stand out as being the must-see. What are your favorite TED talks?

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I don't have a favourite as such. But one talk that comes to mind is

Four principles for the open world - Don Tapscott - YouTube Don Tapscott: Four principles for the open world (2012)

Here's another one
http://www.ted.com/talks/apollo\_robbins\_the\_art\_of_misdirection.html: Apollo Robbins: The Art of misdirection.

I like anyone which is good.

Here is another one pertaining to open source: