What is the difference between console-based and xwindow-based application?

Hi everyone,

What is the difference between console-based and Xwindow-based application?

Can I say the application working well in Xwindows can work in console?
Can I say the application working well in console cann't work in Xwindow perhaps.
Eg, ncurses is console-based and Imlib2 is Xwindow-based.

Is my understanding above correct or not?

Thank you in advance!

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Console applications don't have any fancy stuff and are (for the most part) completely keyboard-driven.
X11 applications need an X server and additional libraries, and can/should be able to handle both keyboard and pointer (mouse/tablet/...) events.
A console application can run in X11 though a "terminal emulation" (xterm/konsole/gnome-terminal/...) that will translate ASCII characters to images. An X11 application won't run without an X11 server.

Hi pludi,

Thank you very much for your kind explanation!

Fundamentally there's no difference between X11 applications and console applications. They're both just processes. The X11 application uses a library that opens an extra socket, then talks to it in a very particular way.

Dear Corona688,

Thank you for your kind explanation!