what is the better way to validate records in a file.

hi all,

We are checking for the delimited file records validation

Delimited file will have data like this:


So we are checking for where the records of files we got is having validating length or not.

The structer of file/table will be configured in Teradata, we will fetch the column length from tht file.

col1 varchar(5),
col4 varchar(5)

we hav to check all columns have field length not greater than 5 if its then we will write the hole error record to bad file.

In the script col_nm col_order_num col_len
col_nm =column name
col_order_num =oder number will be order of column in tht table�.it will be 1 2 3�.like tht
col_len=length of the column

#  Reading through the file and checking for the column length
                logNote "Reading through the temp file and and checking for the column length"
                while read col_nm col_order_num col_len
                                typeset -i col_len
                                typeset -i col_len_good
                                col_len_good=`expr $col_len + 1`
                                logNote "col_nm : $col_nm"
                                logNote "col_order_num : $col_order_num"
                                logNote "col_len : $col_len"
                                logNote "col_len_good : $col_len_good"
                                awk 'BEGIN{col_ord='$col_order_num';col_l='$col_len'}{FS="|"}{if (length($col_ord) > col_l) print $0;}'  $Src_File >> $Src_File.bad
                                awk 'BEGIN{col_ord='$col_order_num';col_l='$col_len_good'}{FS="|"}{if (length($col_ord) < col_l) print $0;}'  $Src_File > $Src_File.temp
                                rm -f $Src_File
                                mv $Src_File.temp $Src_File
                done <$RPT_FILE

we are using this script but its very slow in validating, preformance is very slow
can amy ione come up with soem better way plzs.

You could try to do it all in awk, that would speed up things. For example:

awk '
    for(i in W)
        print > "file.bad"
' FS='[^0-9]*' colwidthfile FS=\| file

Try like...

awk -F\| 'length($1)<=4 && length($2)<=4 && length($3)<=4 && length($4)<=4' test.txt

i am getting table definition(cloumn size) from database which i hav to fetch ..i am giving the values!!!@bmk

---------- Post updated at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:45 PM ----------

@Scrutinizer can u explain me the code plzs


awk '
  NR==FNR{                                 # When the first file is being read (only then are FNR and NR equal)
    W[$2]=$3                               # create an (associative) array element for the column widths with the second 
                                           # field as the index using the Field separator (FS) (see below)
    next                                   # Proceed to the next record
    for(i in W)                            # for every line in the second file, for every column in array W
      if(length($i)>W){                 # if the length of the corresponding field is more than the max column width then
        print > "file.bad"                 # print that record of the second file to "file.bad"
        next                               # Proceed to the next record
  1                                        # If there are no fields with more characters than the max column width then print the record..
' FS='[^0-9]*' colwidthfile FS=\| file     # Set FS to any sequence of non-digits for the first file. Set it to "|" for the second file.