what is the best linux ver for p100 16 ram

Hello all
i own p100 16ram laptop , i would like to run linux on it
i need it for gcc compilation and shell scripting , no gui.
what version of linux should i install , i dont mind to install old one .
tnx allot

I use Arch linux, and have run it on old slow hardware (but not quite as slow as a P100) with success. I would expect you could get a command line version running on your laptop, and maybe even throw on a super lightweight gui. It is NOT a newbie-friendly distribution since you do a lot of the configuration by hand. But in your case that is exactly what you want - you can install the base system and add the compilers an whatever else you need without any bloat or extra packages. There is good documentation, forums and a wiki, on their website which was enough help to get me going. You can find them at www.archlinux.org.


You cant go wrong with damnsmalllinux.
Regardless of what distro you decide, you should consider fluxbox as your WM.

Hello and tnx for the fast reply , this minilinux seams to be cool , but i need
the linux machine to be development oriented not GUI , i really don't need any gui .. i need gcc and shells mostly

You WILL want more than 16MB if you want to use gcc, trust me. You migth be able to get it working on 16 by using tons of swap space, but it'll be swapping like a wounded moth. 32 would be minimal, 64 would be better, 128 would be great.