What Firewall do you use?

Just out of curiosity, I see a lot of people here use Linux IPTables as their firewall.

Anyone here use something else like OpenBSD PF or *BSD IPF, IPFW?

I'm quite fond of OpenBSD and their Packet Filters. I find their syntax much easier to manage and from my personal experience, I find them to be better firewalls.

I'm not trying to start a debate here, i'm just curious as to what type of firewalls people use here.


Just curious and its great to be aboard these boards.


I usually use Iptables...Because It easy to use and was installed with your OS (Linux Mandrake)

I use IP-tables, getting quite comfortable with it now :slight_smile:

Another 2 firewall very best:

1) Knetfilter

http://freshmeat.net/redir/knetfilter/28528/url_tgz/knetfilter-3.0.2.tar.gz (1092 KB)

2) Shorewall

http://www.net-security.org/software_d.php?id=40 (1002 KB)

But I like Knetfilter than Shorewall.

Personally, I use ipchains. I really like ipchains, just simply makes sense, is easy to write rules, and it is detailed enough for my needs (I like to pretty much log ALL connections to invalid ports, to check for portscans and the like).

Okies! Ipchain same as Iptables. But Ipchain was use and install default in kernel 2.2.x ... Iptables = = > kernel 2.4.x