What does ttail UNIX command do?

what does the below unix command do?

tail -100f  abcd.log

tail - output the last part of files
f- follow

Hello houmingc,

Please use cods tags as per forum rules for your commands/Inputs/codes which you are using into your posts. tail command is use to get last part of Input_files. So command tail -100 Input_file will show the last 100 lines of your Input_file.
tail -100f Input_file will show last 100 lines of your Input_file + it will append the data of Input_file if that grows on standard output. So finally we could say, tail -100 Input_file will provide you last 100 lines of your Input_file and tail -100f Input_file will provide you last 100 lines of your Input_file with keeping the cursor on screen to wait for new/appending lines of Input_file, so mostly it is used to monitor the logs(if they are keep on growing/increasing and parallel you are doing some operation whose logs you want to monitor).

R. Singh