What does the following exec command do it is in the shell file?

I have a shell script, research_dump_sub.sh
the first 3 lines are below. the below two lines writing to log file, i am not finding the log file, how to locate, and what is the exec command doing exactly please.
and the third line again calling/triggering the shell file. i didn't understood.

Thanks a lot for the helpful info.

exec >  >(tee -ia /TTH_WORK_DIR/LOGS/research_FTP_dump.log)

exec 2> >(tee -ia /TTH_WORK_DIR/LOGS/research_FTP_dump.log >&2)


Hmm. Is the process run normally under a chrooted user? i.e., the user is in a chroot jail so the


would exists for that user off the root directory.

I am assuming you executed this and found nothing:

find / -type d -name 'TTH_WORK_DIR'

And there are no links in the user's home directory by the same name.

As for the exec question, c.f. man bash :

As for the redirections: they make use of the shell's "process substitution" (c.f. e.g. man bash ) which in turn uses the tee command to both display to stdout and log to the file given.