What do you use on your linux servers?

DCrystal, please review our rules and note rule 5 which is the only underlined rule:
(5) Search the forums database with your keywords before asking.

There is a link to our search engine on every page. Try putting in "linux distro poll" and you will find it. Other people have found it over 2000 times.

And yes, Red Hat is still developed, but you need to use precise terminology. Red Hat Linux is no longer developed. It split into two distros: Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (FC and RHEL).

RHEL 4 Update 4 was released on Aug 11, 2006
RHEL 5 is in Beta and the last beta release of it was Nov 20, 2006

RHEL 4 is based on FC 3
RHEL 5 is (will be) based on FC 6

Since this poll was created by someone not familiar with the other linux poll, I will close this poll.