What changes need to do in this awk

hi all,
following awk command is working perfect for three input files but if i need to increase the no. of input files and changed in the "[$2]/3" to how many files i'm adding, but its not working what other changes i need to do in this awk.
$ awk '(FNR>1 && NR==FNR){a[$2]+=$4;s=FNR;next;} (FNR>1 && NR==s+FNR){a[$2]+=$4;next;} FNR>1 {a[$2]+=$4; print $2"\t"a[$2]/3}' f1 f2 f3
Ex: if i add one more file f4 and changed the dividing no. into 4 its giving wrong output.


9701	13841407	a	107.99
9702	12391913	a	199.99
9703	11305626	a	169.09
9704	13782422	a	399.99


 9701	13841407	a	107.99
9702	12391913	a	199.99
9703	11305626	a	169.09
9704	13782422	a	399.99
9705	14027101	a	54.99


9725	11625960	a	114.99
9726	541446	a	53.99
9727	0	a	0
9728	12611537	a	115.09
9729	10661877	a	297.99
9730	10863886	a	229.89
9731	11136570	a	0
9732	10275305	a	29.99


9750	11625960	a	114.99
9751	541446	a	53.99
9752	0	a	0
9753	12611537	a	115.09
9754	10661877	a	297.99


9725	11625960	a	114.99	0	28.7475
9726	541446	a	53.99	0	13.4975
9727	0	a	0	0	0
9728	12611537	a	115.09	0	28.7725
9729	10661877	a	297.99	0	74.4975
9730	10863886	a	229.89	0	57.4725
9731	11136570	a	0	0	0
9732	10275305	a	29.99	0	7.4975
9750	11625960	a	114.99	0	57.495
9751	541446	a	53.99	0	26.995
9752	0	a	0	0	0
9753	12611537	a	115.09	0	57.545
9754	10661877	a	297.99	0	148.995

if ineed to add till f7 it will work?

what is the expected output?